I've been working in software development for close to 8 years, and I can confidently say that I love building, inventing, and collaborating.

I have extensive experience building both front and back end for the web, it's the platform which can start helping users the fastest with the fewest interactions, but I love to break into other mediums when there's a better solution.

Project: Broadcast Collaboration Tools

2023 - 2024

Similar to Figma, but purpose built from the ground up to solve the unique challenges of live broadcast production for large streamers on twitch.tv

Permissions, real-time syncing of complex UI component data across clients, database optimizations, and media re-encoding all had to be implemented by me while keeping the user experience smooth and intuitive.

The end result is a powerful tool I'm slowly rolling out and itterating on as I collect feedback from enthusiast users.


Employment: CircleClick

2016 - 2023

A digital marketing agency, my role was to create web applications, custom utilities, as well as polish and maintain existing websites with a focus on optimization, accessability, and SEO.


project: This Website

Most sites with WebGL/WebGPU either integrate 3D content as an afterthought, or integrates HTML/CSS as an afterthought.

This site bridges the gap, and creates one seamless view integrating both rendering systems.

The 3D scene placement/sizing is driven by HTML element positions, and even covers responsive design.

It's not perfect (yet), but it is fun.


project: Twitch Animations

I started out making a few animations for streamers on Twitch.tv, and ended up creating public facing libraries, APIs, and starter templates to allow myself and others to easily create fun WebGL animations that integrate live audience input from streams.

Check it out.


Concept page still under construction, check back in later.
